Cadre 团队由精明的招聘人员和行业专家组成,为我们的客户带来多年的经验。


Alex Posada 负责管理公司的搜索活动和人员。他也是公司最具挑战性的 C 级搜索任务的专家。Alex Posada 毕业于西班牙顶尖大学,拥有人力资源硕士学位,是一名拥有 15 年以上国际经验的人力资源专业人士。
Our Values
We approach each client and candidate as a team. We work together, sharing ideas and best practices, creating value for our clients at every opportunity.
The better questions we ask clients and candidates, the better we can serve both parties. With a clear understanding of motivations we can create the best solutions.
When dealing with candidates, we remember they are entrusting us with their careers. We endeavour to represent their best interests as well as our clients.